Attention! This is an archive page! This project is completed. The environmental office changed its name in 2023, is now called “Umweltprojekte Nord e.V.” and presents itself with its new projects now unser
Climate change and interrelated subject areas such as the energy sector or the global carbon cycle are covered in different school subjects today. This is not sufficient for climate detectives: they want to be active because they have understood that the climate change affects their future.
What is closer to home than making sure, first of all, that one’s own school is “climate friendly”?!
However, where should you begin? With the school photocopier that is switched on all day long? With the windows in the corridor that are tilted open in winter? Or would it be better to start with the daily journey to school for the pupils and teachers?
This pamphlet starts right here. It comprises of the idea, first of all, of subjecting the school to a “climate check” in which the sides that are in the light and the sides that are in the shade are discovered and then the energies are concentrated on the areas in which change is especially urgently needed and in which pupils and teachers can produce changes.
All pupils from Year 5 to Year 10 can take part. Younger pupils investigate the visible, easily reachable areas of the school: use of paper, waste disposal and the school grounds. The middle year groups take charge of the transport, the water and the provisions provided at break time. The older pupils exam the technically challenging area of the school energy management in more detail. The investigation results will be (among other things) merged into a CO2 assessment of the school, which then allows focus points for future climate protection activities to be assessed.
Even though climate protection is very important it must be brought into line with the needs of pupils and teachers as well as economic demands. This will also be considered with the climate check.
The pamphlet describes how such a climate check can be prepared and carried out. It provides background information, courses of action and practical examples from schools. The check lists for the climate check are on a CD and therefore can be adapted to the special requirements of the school easily.
Tilman Langner: Klimadetektive in der Schule (Climate Detectives at School) – a guide (in German language)
72 pages + approx. 100 pages of check lists and a couple of "bonus material" on CD.
Environmental Office North (Umweltbüro Nord e.V. - Editor), Stralsund, III. edition 2017.
ISBN 978-3-00-057686-7
Price: 10,- € (including VAT) plus mailing costs.
Please, order per Mail to
Die Broschüre "Klimadetektive" wird von der Norddeutschen Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung aus Mitteln der Bingo-Umweltlotterie gefördert. | Weitere Förderer und Partner der Klimadetektive |